Trinity Blood (2005)
Such a rip off
29 December 2015
I started to watch Trinity Blood and after 2 ep I was think to my self this is such a rip off.I watch all the to the end and though that it was such a waste of time. If you are like me and has watched Hellsing youcan relate to me. The main character father father Nightroad if a copy and pasted version of Alucard a vampire that serves humans to kill other vampires if was already done back in 2003 when Hellsing TV series was realised. This is just a fraud and a pile of crap. If you wont vampires and action go watch Hellsing its so much better. There are some good things about Trinity blood in a way. The visuals are alright but I find there thrown away because of all the god damn talking there is. Its like watch the Star Wars Prequels again. Secondly the main character Father Nightroad is a very nice and funny character and you do begin to like him in his own little way but there is just not enough of him and you just lose track on what is going on. All in All, Trinity Blood I do not recommend to watch it. If you wont more vampires, blood and action go watch Hellsing. Because Trinity Blood is just rip off of it.
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