Nuremberg (2000)
A basic yet capable dramatized introduction to the Nuremberg Trials
30 December 2015
"Only following orders"... we've all heard that was the reason (or excuse) proffered by many Nazis on trial. We could say the same thing about the actors in this "made for TV" "Dramatization" of the Nuremberg Trials. I've noticed that some reviewers have delved into the actual Nuremberg trials, and I won't go into that can of worms.

Safe to say that this video covers all the well-known trivia and 'phrases' remembered from the NTs. It isn't horrible...after all, you've got some very capable actors in the lineup. It isn't for want of drama, as it is relying on the NT and all the drama surrounding one of the most well-known trials of the 20th century, along with one of the most 'interesting' of defendants ever put on trial, Hermann Goering. Having said that, it would be probably be hard work to screw this up... but it looks like they tried, lol.

First off, there's a squeamish, cheesy sort-of romance going on between the lead prosecutor and his secretary that has nothing to do with the story. I can only assume this was done in keeping with a modern tradition of putting chick-flic crap into every movie, no matter the genre in an attempt to broaden the target audience to include ditzy females.

Secondly, the pace and dialogue is hurried and brief. You won't find any 'great' dialogues or epic/memorable scenes here, even when they try. The performances are capable, the directing is functional, the costumes and sets are fairly accurate.... remember: "Made for television" ;) IF, ( I stress, IF) you have never known anything about the NTs and are getting your 'feet wet', I suppose this is an easy enough starting point.

As far as performances, I'd say Brian Cox steals the show as HG. He is a great actor and effortlessly fulfills his duty here. Baldwin is.... well, Baldwin. He's in a lot of stuff bc he himself is such a 'pliable' personality, that he can basically be himself in just about any role, lol. But, he does alright. There are some others yo may recognize, like Plummer, who also is kinda himself in every role, but he does it (himself) so well, you don't mind, lol. Von Sydow is in there as well as Feore, both great actors doing great with what little they have been given to work with.

I would like to 'warn' anyone, and I don't really consider this a 'spoiler', that there will be films of the concentration camps shown, and they are gruesome, to say the least. It is not what I would consider 'suitable for children', and I wouldn't show it to my child less than about 15-16 years of age, unless they are only a few years younger but very mature, or you censor that part by having them leave the room/fast- forward past it, etc.

Like I said, I won't go into the actual NT and the 'pros and cons of war', but without a doubt, this was a very 'simplistic' representation of what happened during WWII and the Nuremberg Trials and chock full of good ol' 'USA is the greatest' point of view. Don't get me wrong, I'm a vet and very patriotic about the my country, the US, but the "Nazis are bad and the US are heroes" is a very one dimensional narrative of WWII.

"The victors will always judge the vanquished"... it has been true for thousands of years, and it'll never be any other way.

The original, phenomenal, 'Judgement at Nuremberg' (1961) is as in- depth and esoteric as this one is superficial... this one is simplistic, about the main trial for the Nazi leaders, and the 1961 film is complex, nuanced and about the judges' trial... a much more intense and dramatic film, one of the best.

Overall, I'd say it's worth watching, just keep in mind that it was a modest budget', made for TV' video.
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