Horrible waste
4 January 2016
Watching perhaps one of the worst movies ever made, "Apartment Troubles" on Showtime. It's suppose to be a comedy, but the two female stars are obnoxious and horrible actors. What is funny about killing a cat with gold paint, burning a cat on a grill, being evicted, spilling a pan on a stove, breaking into a house, taking Aderol, tearing up fake flowers, dressing in garbage bags, making fun of artists, starving but refusing to eat, hovering in a corner when someone is outside of a door, stuffing your face with angle food cake & red wine...I will never get this time back. What's so funny about two losers who think they're actors? So sad that Jeffery Tambor and Will Forte had graced their presence on this thing, even though it was for brief cameos. Sorry Ms Mulally, why? Avoid at ALL COSTS, trust me...
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