The Media and Their Fault
13 January 2016
OJ Simpson: Monster or Myth? (2010)

*** (out of 4)

O.J. Simpson, F. Lee Bailey, Shawn Chapman, Marcia Clark and Alan Dershowitz are just a few of the people interviewed in this documentary, which tries to argue that the media is as dirty as you can get and that people believe everything that they're told.

For the most part this is a pretty interesting documentary because it at least gives you a chance to hear what O.J. has to say about the trial, the chase and everything that happened after he was found not guilty. It's interesting hearing from the lawyers who discuss how much their lives changed after the verdict and how most people hated O.J.'s defense lawyers because they felt they helped him get away with murder.

The media is certainly made to look like the villain here and I must admit that I agree with a lot of what was said. The documentary argues that the media will pretty much report anything they want and they also don't seem to care if they report false things that influence people. Even people are criticized because the argument is made that most didn't follow the court case like the twelve jurors did and instead were just taking lies from the media.

As the documentary points out, most people already have their mind made up on whether or not Simpson was guilty. This film isn't going to make anyone change there minds but this is nicely done. I've seen countless documentaries on the subject and this one at least gives a first hand account to some of the myths going on around the trial.
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