Star Trek: The Next Generation: Remember Me (1990)
Season 4, Episode 5
Flushing Dr. Crusher
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people ask- to this day- why the character of Beverly Crusher was written off Star Trek TNG in Season 2 and replaced by the character of Dr. Pulaski. I'll give you the simple answer.

Gates McFadden is a terrible actress. She was fired from the show. Gates McFadden was fired from Star Trek: The Next Generation because she's a terrible actress. She is talent-free. She is an embarrassment. Her inability to act and perform was so pronounced that producers fired her from the show. Gates McFadden was fired because she was terrible.

Is that clear enough or do you need to re-read the above paragraph a few dozen times? The first and best example of Gates' staggering lack of passion and ability is this episode, a cherry-picked custom-made contraption designed to give the world's worst performer a chance to look good.

Gates falls on her face.

Blank, vacant, repressed, hollow, invisible, forgettable, stiff, awkward, frigid, numb, traumatized... pick an adjective, there's plenty to go around. You can argue with me or call me names but first I insist you sit through this 45-minute bowel sandwich called "Remember Me."

I'll be here. I'll be here waiting.
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