Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
1 + 1 = 0
25 January 2016
Talk about your mixed metaphors! Seen a lot of films, reviewed a lot of films, have found A movies I hated and B movies I loved, but cannot readily recall a film where the auteur put so much effort into creating an atmosphere that he completely smothers whatever spark might have existed in the film itself.

The plot is about ... honestly I can't remember. That's how distracting the direction and sound track were. They actually overwhelmed the story.

I was paying so much attention to the lighting and use of shadows and greys (very Blade Runner) that after a while the main characters and their incessant whining just became a nuisance.

Never mind the experiment in the script. The experiment that the film-maker attempted -- mixing two different genres in the same production -- was the real one (not the one in the story) and yes it almost collapsed the time space continuum as we know it.

For movie watchers anyway.
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