I cannot see why you'd get out in the middle of no where and focus mostly on people instead of the gorgeous setting.
29 January 2016
This documentary is about a group of friends who walk from Yosimite to Mt. Whitney along the John Muir Trail. To me, the reason to hike is to enjoy the solitude...the peace and quiet of the great outdoors. Because of this, it really makes watching this documentary difficult, as it is NEVER quiet...never. Instead of focusing on the glorious natural settings, the film always goes back to the relatively uninteresting group of friends so they can talk...and talk...and talk. It reminds me of most every reality TV show where the camera MUST periodically come back to the 'stars' to hear their thoughts about the trek--even if these thoughts are mostly irrelevant. In hindsight, I would have MUCH rather seen a ton of footage with only minimal narration to let you know what you're seeing. Plus, isn't it better to just get out and hike instead of watching people hike (a little) and talk a lot? A boring and rather pointless and thoroughly pretentious and self-absorbed film that folks either adore or totally hate....as you can tell if you read through the reviews. I am somewhat in the middle. I'd give the footage an 8 and everything else a 1...and an overall score of 3. Believe me, among those who didn't enjoy it, a 3 is VERY positive and I don't use the unnecessarily abusive and anti-rich people comments some used in describing and attacking this movie.
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