Bonanza: The Night Virginia City Died (1970)
Season 12, Episode 1
There is an arsonist afoot.
23 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In an episode that leaves no suspicion about who is the culprit, Virginia City has an arsonist in the town cause damage and death routinely. Poor Sheriff Coffee is in trouble because the law seems to be unable to catch the criminal. It seems that some members of the town are wanting to see the Sheriff relieved of his job.

It just so happens that a young lady named Janie is new in town and we, as viewers, know that she has a fetish with watching things burn. It all goes back to her youth but no one knows that she is the one setting fires to the buildings in Virginia City. Many people are suspects but it seems that no one would even think about the young girl being the one starting the fires. With the young lady about to marry Deputy Foster, she just has to set a few more fires. But it just may become a larger fire than she intended.

This was a straight forward show that let the viewers know what was going on right from the beginning. Plus with about all of Virginia City burned down, the production staff conquered the situation of having to move to a new set at Warner-Brothers without any questions. This was by far not the best episode in the lot but it did make for an interesting situation and also a very beautiful woman in the lead part. This was just not my cup of tea but I do understand why this show started the new season with new locations.

PS- Sorry about the spoiler alert, there was no other way to describe the story.
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