Can't hold a candle to its predecessor
21 March 2016
I think just being a spin off can't possible give it any boost. I watched it because Criminal Minds have a special place in my heart, the characters are amazing, the stories are full of heart and I always root for them to save the day.

My first take for Beyond Borders is that I don't really care about the characters. They try to show chemistry immediately with one another but it just isn't there. They would have been better off starting as a new team who doesn't knew each other and develop it from there, rather than having preexisting relationships that we are just supposed to immediately believe. That is why the inside jokes don't fly, because we don't care.

It's also such a bad idea to make this global. Somewhere along the line, this is going to become offensive. I'm already offended. So only Americans can solve crime, only Americans can save the day? That big country has no intelligence, no education to do their own profiling and figure out their own crimes. Now we need the Americans to fly all the way down to save just normal American folk? They should not fly home, because I think at any minute, another American might just be in trouble in that same big country. Why waste 20 hours of flight home when the next day you might have to fly there again? I think I'll stick with the original Criminal Minds. It's more thought provoking and way smarter.
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