Review of Ex Machina

Ex Machina (2014)
Artmovie disguised as sci-fi
27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is more an art movie than it is sci-fi.

Had it been sci-fi/horror as the trailer indicates, it might have been interesting. But it's mostly boring. Al though it kept me curious enough to watch it until the end, it never really delivered.

There are several plot holes in the movie. The main one is Nathan, the founder of the fictional Microsoft like company "Bluebook".

Why would a man as rich as he is, isolate himself completely from the rest of the world, just to work on his robots, when he is clearly lonely? Why is he not living in a big city and partying and getting laid with women that wanna marry him, because of his wealth? Why would Caleb agree to meet him and spend a week at his research facility, no questions asked? Why is there no service on Calebs smart-phone? A man like Nathan would wanna be online 24/7 as he is as he chose Caleb, who did not win any lottery at the Bluebook company.

Why would Nathan not have build his robots, so he could shut them down without having to go any wear near them, in case they get out of control? Why would Nathan have build robots that can trigger power failure when they recharge their batteries without Nathan knowing about this? Why would Caleb stay in a facility with no windows alone with another man that he doesn't even know? How can Caleb fall in love with a robot in less than a week? Even if she is based on his pornography profile? (what the hell is that? I googled it and there is no such thing) As attractive and intelligent as the robot Ava, appears, she is still just a machine. And that a man as intelligent as Caleb, can be manipulated by a robot is ridiculous.

And in my opinion Nathan is not evil. He might be torturing his robots that are all female and have sex with them and eventually shut them down. But they're not living creatures. They're machines that he created. And he has the right to do whatever he wants to with his own creations.

Then there is Ava's body with and without skin on it. Without skin, she has a big butt and big breasts. But as soon as she has put skin on her body both her butt and breasts has been reduced in size. This is of course due to Alicia Wikanders sad petite body. But why make the body without skin so attractive, when the body with skin is so sad?? They should have cast a more attractive actress with a curvy body, like Scarlett Johansson. That would have made sense.

And as far as Ava's, face and scull goes, it's not even an original design. In the original 1987 Robocop movie, Robocops face and scull, look almost exactly the same as Ava's.

READ NO FURTHER IF YOU PLAN TO SEE THE MOVIE!! As far as the ending goes, it didn't make much sense. Ava and another robot kills Nathan and Ava escapes, leaving Caleb locked inside the facility. Nathan wouldn't have made his robots so intelligent that they could manipulate humans or be strong enough to kill humans or control the power. The helicopter pilot that flew Nathan to the facility would have questioned Ava showing up at the end of the week instead of Caleb. He would have called Nathan to verify whatever lie Ava told him to get on the helicopter.

I could go on and on with the major plot holes of this movie.

I can only say, if you expect a sci-fi horror movie, you will get neither. The only interesting part of the movie is the special effects that are impressive, but not stunning once you know how they did it.

With a bigger budget and a different ending, this could have been a much better movie.
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