Quarantine (2008)
Give Jennifer Carpenter ALL THE AWARDS
30 March 2016
Seriously, give Jennifer Carpenter an Oscar or something, because her performance in this film, especially the last 30 minutes of it, completely blew me away. The movie itself, was very good, extremely scary, and done very well for what it is. I have not yet watched Rec, yet, so my opinion here is based solely on how I felt about this film alone, without comparing it to the original. I was glued to my seat, and honestly had to plug my ears and half hide my eyes at a couple parts because the tension was so high and I just knew there was something horrific about to happen; the fear and terror portrayed by Carpenter on screen was palpable. I don't think I've ever seen an actress go as far in a horror film as Carpenter does here. She completely gives it her all, and at some points I wondered if she didn't just collapse or totally pass out after shooting some scenes,. She works herself up into tho most believable frenzy of fear, terror and panic that I have ever witnessed in a horror film before. She carried the movie for me. This movie is definitely worth a watch, if for nothing else than to see her performance. But on it's own and as a whole it really is a very entertaining, creepy movie.
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