Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Review: You know you've sunk to a new low when last year's Fantastic Four is no longer the most boring superhero movie ever
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewed by: Dare Devil Kid (DDK)

Rating: 1/5 stars

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" derails a potentially powerful story along with some of the most iconic heroes of comic folklore for an obsession with dark tones and darker themes that are all just a poor excuse for mimicking Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight Trilogy" masterpiece. While that trilogy was by far the darkest of all superhero movies, it was also extremely engrossing, thoroughly entertaining, and overall fun to watch, with even a bit of humor strewn here and there - elements that Director Zack Snyder and writer completely forgot were intrinsic to a superhero film's success. They all don't have to provide as much fun and humor as Marvel's movies (though "Captain America: Winter Soldier" showed that Marvel can even find a much darker tone amidst their staple fun times), but in aiming for everything dark and grimy under the night sky, things certainly don't need to get lifeless and morose.

"Dawn of Justice" is plainly and simply a shockingly joyless and overtly prolonged affair that presents its two beacons of justice as angry, cranky, melancholic, gullible men-in-tights. As far as the acting goes: Irons and Adams aren't given any scope to showcase their superlative acting chops; Affleck looks the part but can't act the part; for some inexplicable reason Snyder is still adamant about not allowing Cavill to act when he's proved that he most certainly can; and Eisenberg desperately needs a new acting style. Add to that the big, loud, bloated nature of the film, with everything transpiring within it feeling vacuous, and you end with a profoundly dissatisfying movie- watching experience that's ugly, incoherent, and unmitigatedly boring in every sense.

I mean, when Alfred couldn't care less about what his beloved Master Bruce does anymore, or if Wonder Woman has better things to do than save the world, we should probably take a cue and leave this hot, steaming pile of dump in the doldrums where it belongs.
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