Downfall - the documentary
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Im toten Winkel - Hitlers Sekretärin" or "Blind Spot. Hitler's Secretary" is an Austrian German-language movie from almost 15 years ago and there is really not that much to say about it. The entire film runs for slightly under 90 minutes and is basically in its entirety interview footage with Traudl Junge, Hitler's personal secretary, Luckily for us, she lived long enough to join this project. The duo who wrote and directed here are André Heller and Othmar Schmiderer. This is really a priceless document of global (war) history. The information comes directly from the source as almost nobody got closer to Hitler, also as a private person, than Junge did. It is great that we do not see hear an interviewer talk except on very few occasions and only very briefly, but that the whole film is Junge talking. Her memories are entirely intact, even if more than half a century passed between what she tells us about and when she tells it. She even says at one point that she has problems remembering, which makes obvious that everything before that is exactly how it happened and I did not think for a second that she was telling something which is not factual. This is a must-watch with everybody who has an interest in German history or World War II. I highly recommend checking it out.
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