Pixel Perfect (2004 TV Movie)
holographic lead singer
25 April 2016
Samantha (Leah Pipes) is struggling to make it with her band. The problem is that she's not a good lead performer. Her best friend Roscoe (Raviv Ullman) uses his father's holographic technology to 'Weird Science' a lead performer, Loretta Modern (Spencer Redford). The hologram can only exist indoors and they have to keep it a secret. They become a hit but Sam isn't happy with the new addition.

It's not that horrible for a Disney TV movie but that's grading on a curve. It's on the level of some of the other musical Disney TV movies. Spencer Redford is a bit stiff considering she is suppose to be this magnetic performer. Her character is too silly and too stiff. She's trying to be computerish. I'm also not loving the music although it's alright for teen girl rock. I have problems with the musical performances, Spencer Redford, and her character. Sam's bitterness is not endearing although she is a compelling character. Also the internet is made to be way too silly. To its credit, the movie does try to let Loretta and Sam grow as characters.
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