Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
Classic sexy sci-fi
28 April 2016
I'm giving it 10 stars because the movie was far better by the end than I thought it would be at the start.

From the start though our cinematic sensibilities pick up quickly that there is not an "Independence Day" budget attached.

With a slew of time-travel themed movies recently relying on great story telling and acting and others on big budgets and vacuous stars I wasn't sure where this one would fall but immediately one was struck by it's style. A noir look and compelling soundtrack. But as the recursive story picked up - well written and a fine cast - any misgivings were forgotten.

This is an original story with not just fine twists but also perhaps a first in the time travel genre it's quite sexy. Great chemistry between the two main characters added up to a compelling tale that crossed interestingly between lust and science.

Not since Forbidden Planet haha joking but the soundtrack again is worth mentioning and will make a second viewing as enjoyable as the first. Sci-fi has been burdened by the heavy handed scores of John Williams for far too long. Ben Lovett provides a beautifully apt real si-fi soundtrack to a real sci-fi film.

Don't be misled by simplistic reviewers, it is a quite clever concoction of ideas but spread out across it's time frame with all the right moments well embedded the story is well told.

Jacob Gentry is a person of future interest.
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