It was a great idea for a DC film but it could've been done A lot better
11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so this is my spoiler review for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.Ever since this movie was announced which was three years ago, I was excited ever since. I felt so bad after buying tickets to see it after reading mean reviews about this film but I went to the film and watched it myself and as my own opinion for the film. I am going to give you the good, the bad and my own personal opinion.

First the good. The main thing that kept me going through the film was Ben Affleck's performance as Batman and Bruce Wayne. It was so incredible. The robotic voice was perfect for disguising Bruce Wayne's voice for Batman. He even looked true to the comics. I didn't mind the intro for showing the creation of Batman since we have already seen an entire film of the origin of Superman. I also liked Jesse Eisenburg's take on Lex Luthor. I didn't say loved, only liked. I liked how they made a lot of references in the film such as the Bat Armour, A Death In The Family, Injustice and the Origin Story for the Justice League. Gal Gadot is also a fresh new start for Wonder Woman. She sounds like someone who would come from some place mythical. She speaks like a goddess and fights like a true warrior. I also liked the chemistry between Diana and Bruce when they first met and hope to see something happen in the future.Finally, the fight. The fight we have all been waiting for. It was short-lived but worth it anyway. I loved how Batman actually did research on Superman and realized his weakness was Kryptonite Then he had the perfect prep time. Then Batman waited for Superman. When Superman arrived, he stood back where Superman fell into his trap. Bang goes the sonic blasters! Then if that didn't work, heavy guns! If THAT din't work, then Superman would punch him at the top of the building where Batman had his Kryptonite launcher waiting up there. Then Batman drops smoke and fires at him! Then he takes on Superman man- to-man! Then Superman, being an idiot he is, continues to fight Batman and even attempts to kill him! So Batman fires another Kryptonite grenade at Superman and then throws Superman down into the sewers where he had his Kryptonite spear down there. He cuts Superman and literally almost kills him! Batman wins!

Now for the bad. I don't see how the intro showing Bruce's parents get murdered was necessary since we have seen it like four times in the previous Batman films. Next is the fact that Batman actually KILLS people! Yes, he does. If you heard your friends saying it, it is all true. It disappoints to also see he uses guns which is what cowards use, and he is not supposed to be a coward! Next we have Superman. Oh gosh! He is so much more dull than ever. I think the only actual moment I enjoyed was when he was evil in the Knightmare scene. Then we have a whole hour of just dialogue and DC trying to create character development for Bruce, Alfred (Alfred was also good by the way), Lois, Diana, Clark, Lex, Perry, etc. Man! Took forever! Now look at the title. It is called Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Let's divide that shall we. Let's take a look at Batman V Superman. This movie is supposed to be more about Batman and Superman fighting each other and having a war with each other. I loved the original reason to why they would be fighting but instead it all had to turn into a blackmail fight. Why would they change the reason so quickly! Damn you, Snyder! The original reason to why they should be fighting was Batman sees Superman as a threat to humanity and believes that he has the power to wipe out the entire human race and could do so if he ever goes evil so he must stop him, and Superman sees Batman as a criminal who thinks he is above the law and decides to bring the Dark Knight to justice. THAT WAS THE PERFECT IDEA! And then it had to be changed. Now it is Lex Luthor blackmailing Superman into fighting Batman. Which is dumb. It would've been a more serious battle to why they would be fighting then. Then when we actually DO finally get to the fight after two hours, we only get to see a 10 minute fight between the two. How does the fight end? Superman says his mother's name is Martha, and Batman's mother's name was Martha. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Batman should've said and then finished him but no, he thinks it is HIS mother he is talking about. AND NOW THEY ARE PALS!?!? Batman is supposed to be like, "I will be watching you, Kryptonian." But no, he is like, "Your mom's name is Martha? No way! My mom's name is Martha! Come here, pal!" Doomsday was also not needed and I am just saying, they could've just give Wonder Woman a cameo at the end of the film.

Now for my own personal opinion. I would've kept the original reason to why they are fighting, and added at least three battles between Batman and Superman. Then at the end of the fight, Batman would hold his Kryptonite spear and still say, "You are not a god, you were never even a man" THEN say, "I will be watching you Kryptonian. I won't kill you, but I want you to remember the one man who beat you." Then help Superman out with Martha. I would've made Batman the one to stop the beast. I hope to see Darkseid and the Injustice story line. That would be awesome.
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