Review of Submission

Submission (2016)
Talk about a Californication on steroids
20 May 2016
If you're looking for a pretext to put on your headphones on, to not appear as a total creep to the rest of your family/friends/roommates, this is it! This was suggested in the recommendations for the show "The Girlfriend Experience", but in all honestly these two shows are nothing alike. This series is kicking things up a notch, bringing together quite trivial topics and making me feel worse, not to mention question my previous encounters, every minute (Don't take it too seriously :D). The show puts three women heroines in the story and shows their point of view. Wouldn't say I enjoyed the first episode, but it wasn't that bad. I'm a simple man, it doesn't take much to keep my attention. I won't, however, be following the series, from my stand point it's a little too much for me; as I've mentioned, since there are three heroines in the story, this might have a greater appeal to the female audience.
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