The story of the "little man" actor Mike Edmonds
30 May 2016
An unashamedly affectionate look at the life of a Time Bandit, an Ewok, Jabba the Hut's tail (really) and Maid Marian's Little Ron among many others. Without being mawkish or indulgent this really does do what it says on the tin - it tells Mike Edmunds story and it would be a "warts n all" portrayal but there doesn't seem to be that many warts either. Heart warming, poignant and inspiring - I could not recommend this more highly. Detailing Mike's early life at home and school and his childhood dream to "run off and join the circus", the story is dotted about with quips from lifelong friends from school, the British film and TV industry and Hollywood A listers such as Mr Terry Gilliam and much of Mike's own, humble words. I was struck by the sheer humanity, humility and downright normalness of such an inspirational man and his story.
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