Dragon Ball Super (2015– )
Big disappointment/missed opportunity
9 June 2016
Akira Toriyama had big opportunity to re-introduce Dragonball to a new generation. Dragonball Z pretty revolutionized all manga and was the inspiration for many more.

Dragonball Z had a big advantage over all others anime, because it was already popular and fans have been craving for new series for nearly 20 years. In the meantime, other popular anime's rose to popularity which was influenced by Dragonball.

Akira Toriyama failed to keep up and take inspiration from other popular anime's.

The current series are lifeless, badly drawn, filler full, lack of real action, lack of a robust story line, no character development.

Akira could have easily introduced new characters and even retired some background characters like Tien, Yamcha, Pilaf etc...

I find these series a big disappointment, the god's of destruction are a complete joke. Even sillier was Akira's decision to include movie plots into the anime. Think about this...Frieza's reason why he became so strong is because he had never trained in his life, when he did he became a lot stronger. I mean really? They could not have come up with something more creative?

They turned Vegeta into a big wuss. They are recycling story lines and some of the characters are redicilous (king of the Galacy is a green octopus with a crown)

I'm still going to watch in hope that it improves but I doubt it. I understand DB has always had comedy in it but this one is too much.

Underwhelmed and disappointing.
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