Keep Hoping it will Improve
29 June 2016
I really wanted to like this show! I thought it might be a little like Breaking Bad, one of my all time AMC favorites (along with Better Call Saul) with some Parenthood tossed in. Things seemed promising at first...sort of. Loved the cool blues music. I figured David Schwimmer would be a really "relatable" kind of character. However, bit by bit, I was more and more turned off by the show.

Number one, it's completely cliché. Number two, there is no real character development. the characters are all very two dimensional. Number 3, the show seems like it's trying too hard to be "bad ass." You know, murder, drugs, theft, alcoholism,etc.... like we need these bad element nowadays to make a show interesting, trying to capitalize on "The Breaking Bad effect." Only, here's the thing: Breaking Bad had GOOD WRITING and EXCELLENT ACTING!!! Not to mention REALISTIC characters. Without these elements, you just don't care enough about what happens to the people in the show.

In Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, you always want to know WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? In Feed the Beast, you just don't really care. You don't like ANY of the characters, and there is very little humor to break things up. And that whole mafia thing just seems so unnecessary....so fake! And what is with the female characters? First of all, why does Pilar act like a wide eyed little five year old? what adult woman living in the Bronx would act like this? So unrealistic! And why is she wearing a different coat every time we see her? Is she secretly rich? And why would David Schwimmer hire her - and not fire her - when she keeps f...ing up in her job? And most important of all, why are they PAIRING her ROMANTICALLY with Schwimmer when she is like thirty years younger? I wanted to gag when they kissed, it seemed so.....wrong....

And why would Schwimmer allow his young son to spend time with that old man who is such a bad influence? And why does the social worker look like a fourteen year old? This show just irritates the hell out of me. I have no clue why I keep watching! I guess I just keep hoping it will get better.....but I really feel disappointed thus far (in case you couldn't tell)!
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