My Hero Academia (2016– )
This is what every shounen show should stride to be!!!
3 July 2016
Before this aired everyone was talking about how great it was going to be, myself just looking at the key artwork & character designs I thought this was going to be so stupid. It looks 100% childish trash, I could not comprehend what people were seeing in it. The ONLY reason I decided to watch episode 1 was because of the massive hype, I'm SOOO happy I did. The first episode starts slow, there's no question but thats because this show knows pacing perfectly. Its not rushing into it at all, its setting itself up right because its quality in every aspect. This is going to be the next "Naruto" but unlike "Naruto" as of right now they're doing it 100% right, they're not cutting corners with animation or reusing the same things just constantly. The story is perfection, not to slow nor to fast, every episode feels like only 5minutes have gone by, it'll have you holding your breath in suspense & your heart beating in excitement. The animation is amazing, it puts Naruto & Bleach to shame in nearly every way. The artwork is beautiful, the character designs although my first impression was how childish it appeared it's actually quite older audience aimed. The music is amazing, the op & ed match the show perfectly and all the music during the show is right on. If your a shounen fan or a fan of "Naruto", "Bleach", or "Hunter x Hunter" you NEED to watch this. Its going to be better than Naruto & Bleach by a long shot.

5/5 Why? I went in wanting, PLANING to hate it. Turned out to be one of the best shounen shows I've ever seen(in every aspect). The story is so simple and so suspenseful, keeps you on the edge of your seat practically from go to the very end. Animation & artwork are amazing. The music matches great. I love everything about it, can't wait for the next season. If your a shounen fan you HAVE to watch this.
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