The Cheerleader Murders (2016 TV Movie)
waste of viewing time
5 July 2016
Another of these teen age silly films. Leading lady. Samantha Boscarino, is no exception. In fact she is a real bore. Running around being Nancy Drew solving murders. The unrealistic part is that she gets in and out of forbidden places and never caught. The mother is just as worse. Being total nuisances. I keep wanting to see the little bothersome girl to get caught. Somebody needs to knock her down and out. Annoying and bothersome involving all around her in her silly nonsensical search for the killer. Her acting really was bad and the plot as bad. And that hair - ugh. Too much mop on her head. What is with these little actresses with all this hair that makes them look like they all have huge heads. Her acting ability consists of constantly playing with her too long hair. Every other movement is to push her hair back. Did you ever hear of bobby pins? You want to grab a pair of scissors and cut the damn crap off. She also has an annoying of going around with her mouth open most of the time. Hope to see less of her. As for the others in this dumb movie they are forced to play their parts, badly. I have no rating or grade for this silly film. Can you leave a minus rating?
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