Doesn't use the 'found footage' concept well
20 July 2016
'Amateur Porn Star Killer' leaves you with a bit of a "what did I just watch?" feeling. I'm pretty sure I understand what they were going for, trying to take the 'found footage' genre to another level with extreme amateurism, but sadly I don't think it worked. 'Found footage' can be incredibly effective at making the audience feel like they are watching actual footage, and thus bringing a whole other level of reality to proceedings. The problem with going a step further and making the picture grainy and the dialogue often inaudible and seemingly unscripted, is that it has the opposite of the intended effect and takes you out of the picture. It's distracting and just leaves you thinking "why am I watching this?"

There was an idea here that I think could work if executed properly. Snuff films are indeed a scary prospect and can be used very effectively as a film topic. 'Found footage' would also be the way to go about it and I feel like a skillful filmmaker could really do something with this concept. Sadly 'Amateur Porn Star Killer' is a poor attempt at pulling it off and is one to miss.
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