Review of Hitman

Hitman (I) (2007)
From a reviewer who hasn't played the games and didn't enjoy the film
8 August 2016
Most people who enjoyed Hit-man are those who haven't played the games, whereas those who have didn't enjoy the film. We are all entitled to our own opinion. However, I haven't played the Hit-man games, and I didn't enjoy the film.

The film is another of those action movies with a plot so illogical it hurts your head trying to work out what's going on. The main story is that Agent 47 has set up on a mission, but why? Why do the other hit men want him dead? And if 47 is seen as a ghost, why have Interpol been chasing after him for so long? The film tries many twists and turns but doesn't provide any real answers, and ends up being a confused mess.

Another of the film's faults is that it's all told in flashback. After 5 minutes in, we are then told that all upcoming events happened three months before. So any possible dramatic tension has been thrown out the window.

So overall, Hit-man is another video game to film adaptation with an incoherent story that lets you down. If I had a go at playing the games, I think I'd be more entertained.
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