Blood Father (2016)
Excellent from Start to Finish
31 August 2016
Mel Gibson's new film Blood Father came out of left field, for me. I had heard nothing of its production nor seen any previews. I watched it today, and was so very pleasantly surprised.

The movie follows a pretty basic action movie premise, but tackles some themes you usually don't find in these types of movies. Everything from teen runaways, substance abuse addiction and recovery, suicidal thoughts, and so much more was covered; and despite the wide range of serious issues covered; it never felt bogged down or full of itself.

I'd recommend this to any Mel Gibson for sure; as he does a great job in his portrayal of this character. My only real complaints was with the Sicario, it seems idiotic to have a guy with a face tattoo as a Sicario. They are supposed to be ghosts not someone with a feature that anyone would remember if they ever laid eyes on him. But that's of course very minor, and in no way took away from the overall enjoyment of the film.

9/10 Stars
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