Funny, sad, depressing and uplifting. A Beautiful Film!!
8 September 2016
I watched this movie even though it didn't have any reviews after seeing the subject line. The story revolves around a family of three, with the son having Progeria. A disease that makes you grow 10 times faster and affects 1 in 30 million.

Mi-ra and Dae-soo were teenage lovers and conceived Ah-reum at a tender age of 17, who now suffers from Progeria. The film doesn't focus much on anything else and derives its plot mainly from the relation that the three leads share. It surprisingly doesn't focus much on the "teenage parent angle" to make the film sappy and I have to say it works brilliantly. The connection between different characters is explored deeply and is presented with immaculate perfection. We see the parents reminiscing about their old life as a singer and an athlete before they had a child. Whereas Ah-reum struggles to come to terms with his approaching death while trying to take in as much as he can before he passes on to another life.

The actors do a very convincing job and you start feeling for them right from the beginning. While the kid on his death bed wrenches your heart the director makes sure that his quips make you laugh the exact next moment. How he connects to the world around him was a delight to watch. You see him as a super positive person in the beginning and also as a scared and irritated being as he approaches his premature end.

My only gripe was with the characters of teenage Mi-ra and Dae-soo. You shouldn't make people in their mid 30's play teenagers. It looked to evident and distasteful. Apart from this the movie was a delight to watch and I would recommend it to everyone.
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