Review of Happy End

Happy End (2009)
Conceived with a broken story generator
18 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie presents to its viewers a series of odd, unlikely and improbable events, glued together with apocalyptic love story. Or to be more precise: epic love stories revolving around the main male character; that interact and overlap with each other, thus creating a kind of chaos. And the splitting of the told story into two timelines, was officially intended as a way of making this picture more interesting and / or artistic. But in reality, this is just an artsy gimmick that serves as a blunt cover up for a poor script

That pretty bad script delivers a slow action, witch is not suppose to be a minus in a movie like that. But it also jumps from place to place for doubtful reasons. They probably just kept pushing buttons in a malfunctioning story generator, which gave the movie results like switching from an affair in Spain to a snowy Canada with bandits on snowmobiles (which are still connected to each other of course). And was that generator used originally for the book or only later on for the transformation of the book material into a movie script, it does not really matter. Because the story is quite bad and sometimes even laughable

If you expect to experience apocalyptic or dystopic themes, there are some but serving only as background for a quite sexed up drama, that turns into a road movie. Although there is this one scene definitely worth watching, because of both the high quality cinematography and mood: when a lone character roams a deserted city in a pitch black, making a way through it with a big flashlight. But this scene is simply out of place, because it belongs to a more thriller / horror driven movie pictures. And what is more, the scene that tells us more about what kind of movie this really is, is the one where certain nude characters are running in a still functioning city. Or the scene when the viewers find out that a parent had sex with a descendant, because it is the end of the world and there are no moral or legal consequences any more

Well, if you use a broken story generator, there are consequences: waste of ideas and of good acting
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