Wonder Woman (2009 Video)
"I've made a hobby out of fleeing chasing women."
19 September 2016
Animated movie that tells Wonder Woman's origin story and her fighting to stop Ares from doing what a god of war tends to do. It's directed by Lauren Montgomery and it's one of the best films from the DCAU that doesn't involve Batman. All the basics are there - the Amazons living in isolation on an island, the golden lasso, Steve Trevor, even the invisible jet. It's nice they were able to cram so much in there while still allowing room for all that violent action these animated movies love to have. Wonder Woman isn't an easy character to "get right," but this film does her justice. That said, there are also some eye-rolling moments and lines of dialogue such as "The Amazons are warriors... but we are women too." Anyway, the animation is pretty good. The action scenes (and there are many) aren't all winners but they are well-animated. The cast is stocked with "face" actors and that's not something I'm usually a fan of with the DCAU movies. But here I admit it works well. Nathan Fillion and Rosario Dawson are both standouts and Keri Russell does an admirable job in the lead. The second half isn't as strong as the first but the drop-off isn't severe. All in all, it's certainly worth your time to give it a shot. We've got a live action Wonder Woman film finally coming out next year. Hopefully after seeing it I will no longer be able to say the best Wonder Woman movie was a straight-to-DVD cartoon.
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