Review of Pixote

Pixote (1980)
A Pretty Stupid Movie, Don't Watch It!
21 September 2016
I'm surprised that no has ever posted a negative review for this movie, I'm also shocked by the unanimous praise on this site, so I decided to do one myself, even though a film that has reached such a magnitude of acclaim cannot take a bad opinion very lightly. I know, I know, I'm probably gonna get bashed for hating this movie, since there might be someone who will call me a stone-hearted American who doesn't care about Brazil's youth, but I do care about Brazil and its youth. By the way, I hate political correctness. It seems like if you hate certain movies, particularly because of their subject matter, you will be viewed as someone who has a bad taste in movies or just shallow and thick. I for one think it's contradictory for someone to say that they didn't like it yet call it a good movie. I call that a bunch of bull. For me, if I hate the movie, then it's a bad movie, common sense logic. It doesn't matter if it has the so- called "good script, good cinematography, good acting" and so on. Pixote is a stupid/bad/overrated, oh, that's right, I'm not allowed to criticize because that would make me an evil monster. In a nutshell, a little boy, about 9 to 12 years old, gets put into an orphanage and meets two boys older than him, about 16 to 20, and engage in harsh crimes, involving drugs, violence, rape and all the terrible stuff. I find it sick that someone praises such filth calling it beautiful when I call it sick rubbish. It's exploitation of youth, pure and simple, although certainly not intended to be since it's only trying to show an unfortunate reality happening, but it subconsciously promotes bad behavior. It kind of reminds me of the those 70s and early 80s exploitica films like "The Cannibal Holocaust", which is supposedly real. There's a reason why I'm giving this movie a negative review, because I don't like, and think there should be more room for criticism as opposed to praise. Don't watch it! See something more enjoyable. Throw those bad movies away. And another thing... Does it make it inherently wrong for me to hate "Pixote"? Am I really a mean- spirited person because I am giving this movie a very bad review? Am I the only one who doesn't like this movie? Should I shy away from expressing my emotions/thoughts toward this movie? I really don't mean to be cruel towards the street kids who suffered in real life, I just don't think that making a supposedly "documentary" film is a good idea. Besides, it's NOT a documentary, only partially, it's relatively more fiction/narrative since it follows principles similar to that of Hollywood in America. I don't mean any disrespect to the "actor" who portrayed the lead character in this film. I feel bad that he was killed by the police when he was as young as 19. Interestingly, it's been said that majority of the "actors" were not actually actors, sounds kind of paradoxical, I know, but it was meant to add more "realism". But I don't take too kindly to that kind of film-making, it doesn't seem to work, at least to me. If they are going to make this movie, it shouldn't be fiction/narrative, or in "Pixote"'s case being semi-fiction, it should be truly non-fiction/documentary. Meaning that there should be elements, such as interviews with the street kids, the police, and other people in Brazil, have the director narrate . This is ONLY MY OPINION, nothing more. And if you disagree, then just ignore it, it's not gonna stop me from having the dissenting opinion. I apologize for making people get so damn angry at me. But PLEASE don't hate me too much! I'm just giving an opinion about a FREAKING movie for God's sake!
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