Padam Padam (2011–2012)
A Maddening Series That Had Potential To Be A Gem
27 September 2016
Padam, Padam

To start, I've viewed around 40 Korean films, but this was my first Korean series.

It could've been a masterpiece if not marred by constant flaring tempers, whiny characters, and never ending melodrama (I like a little melodrama, but this goes WAY overboard). People who are supposed to be good and have good intentions do and say some of the worst things imaginable. Perhaps this is simply a difference between American and South Korean culture. Regardless, it's highly aggravating and gets old quickly. The plot and other various situations just run in circles. But at the same time, it manages to be an addicting series with good character development. But it seems like all the characters hearts full of malice, completely tainting the series.

So if what I described seems interesting to you, then dive in -- you'll likely love it. Otherwise, steer clear of this one, even if you're fans of the main characters (as I am).
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