King Dinosaur (1955)
Enjoyably shoddy 50's sci-fi cheapie
12 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A coed group of astronauts are sent on a mission to explore the new planet Nova. The quartet naturally runs afoul of a motley assortment of giant beasts who live on said planet. Director Bert I. Gordon keeps the entertainingly cornball story zipping along at a snappy pace and maintains an endearing earnest tone throughout. The compact script by Tom Gries offers a neat array of dangerous animals for our protagonists to fend off. William Bryant, Wanda Curtis, Douglas Henderson, and Patti Gallagher play their silly roles with admirable sincerity. The monster fights are quite lively and fairly gory. The copious use of stock footage and the two-cent (far from) special effects further enhance this clunker's considerable ramshackle charm. Gordon Avil's crisp black and white cinematography makes nifty use of fades and overlapping visuals. Louis Palange's robust score does the rousing trick. A fun diversion.
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