The vote is on
30 October 2016
It is hard to believe that once upon a time, the Presidency belonged to the Republicans. Apart from the isolated one term victory by Jimmy Carter, the Democrats were regarded as a basket case when selecting Presidential candidates and had to make do with victories for the Congress. Bill Clinton broke this mould and showed that a centrist Democratic party could dominate Presidential elections, heck even Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but narrowly lost the electoral college.

Michael Moore in TrumpLand is less of a movie and more of a monologue with some jokes. Polemicist Michael Moore takes centre stage in the Ohio town of Wilmington, in Clinton County where polls indicate huge support for Donald Trump.

This was filmed just recently and released a few weeks before election day. Moore understands why people might vote for Trump. Those who have lost jobs to foreign competition, maybe lost their homes and even their marriage broken up as a result.

Of course once you cast your vote for Trump out of anger it could be too late just in the Brexit vote in the UK in 2016.

The film is not really a hatchet job on Trump. I think it should had been. This multimillionaire son of a multimillionaire property developer which his swanky apartment buildings, luxury yachts, model turned wives and all types if glittering jewels suddenly tells the ordinary working Americans he understands their pain when all along he complains of having to pay minimum wage to his staff, buys foreign steel for his buildings, stiffs his suppliers and uses creative accountancy to avoid paying taxes for years.

Instead it is a defence for Hillary Clinton, a woman pilloried for 25 years ever since her husband Bill ran for the White House as a centrist, moderate Democrat.

Moore admits he has never voted for the Clintons but he admires Hillary for her knowledge, tenacity and courage to put up with all the flak thrown at her. Moore hopes that once elected Hillary might turn out to be more radical.

I guess Trump supporters will hate this film as so will those who have never liked Moore. At least he takes a refreshing take on Hillary, a woman who has to subdue her radical edge just to be accepted by the establishment and the media.
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