What relevance does BASHFUL BUZZARD . . .
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . have for 2016, especially when viewed with the "storyboard reel" version of this animated short, anyone visiting this page may well ask. Can it be an uncanny Parable applying to the 2016 American Presidential Election Campaign? Famed Looney Tunes director Chuck Jones has opined elsewhere that the work of Warner Bros.' Brief Cartoon Division MUST be viewed in the political context in which the viewer is living. This requires reviewers to ask themselves, WWCT? (That is, What Would Chuck Think about THE BASHFUL BUZZARD, if he were alive today?) BASHFUL BUZZARD, for we 21st Century Citizens, centers around five brothers, who are easy to recognize as Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump (who are the leading contenders for the Presumptive-Elect Party--sorry, Governor-However-Your-Name-Is-Spelled, of Ohio, who's such a sore loser that he abdicates his duties as Party Host!). These competitive siblings' Mom gives them orders with her thick foreign accent. This makes "Mom" a dead ringer for Melania Trump, the recently crowned Spiritual Mother of Our Entire Republican Party. Since it might strike some viewers as unseemly for a Mother of Five to stuff four of her sons into her cooking pot, Trump's trouncing of Bush, Christie, Cruz, and Rubio during Primary Season is pictured as Ma Buzzard cramming three regularly-sized elephants and one tiny pachyderm (Little Marco, of course) into her cauldron to show how Donald stewed the stodgy GOP Establishment Elephants in Real Life. When Killer (which Melania endearingly pronounces "Keeler") Buzzard gets stung by a bee (doubtless Meghan Kelly), Ma Buzzard (Melania) slaps some sense into Keeler Trump, insisting that he bag bigger game from now on. Soon her Keeler returns to their Homeland with his talons sunk into a hideous, bloated two-faced dragon (Crooked Hillary, it should go without saying).
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