Its Relative Anonymity Does it Justice
6 November 2016
This is by far the best Holocaust related movie of them all. That it is basically unheard of in the English speaking world is both an absolute travesty, and in some ways - very befitting the content of the movie.

The acting is - without exception - well above par. The cinematography superbly Oscar worthy and the direction flawless.

But this is a HARD movie to watch - make no mistake about it. It is utterly devastating; I had to turn it off twice and compose myself before watching it again. That makes this, at least in my books, one of the bravest takes on this horrific period in history.

My only singular criticism would be that the movie is not quite claustrophobic enough - the reality of the transportation trains by all accounts is that there was not even enough room to sit down - they had the carriages loaded so fully. But this is the last train to Auschwitz and populated with less than 700 Jews - so that may explain it. The transition from oppressed ghetto Jew to death camp deportee is very real and you are led through the journey in utter terror. You hope against hope for a happy ending - but as we all know - the journey to the death camp was just the beginning of the end for almost all the Jews who were sent to Auschwitz. It's a must watch film - even if for no other reason that to keep alive that awful stain on mankind lest it ever happens again - if you do nothing else in your life ever, watch this movie. I do not want to do any spoilers - but I would STRONGLY caution parents of very young children who might watch this movie. No pain is spared and there are some harrowing scenes, some truly truly harrowing scenes.

I gave this the full ten for many reasons - but mostly because it is the best movie I have seen since "Let the Right One In" about 20 years ago.
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