It was simply just too much...
8 November 2016
I never got around to playing the game, so I have no clue how true this 2013 animated movie is to the game or the franchise as a whole. But still, I decided to sit down and watch it.

I ended up watching a version with English language, and gathering from the Japanese cast listed on IMDb, then this was a dubbed version. Oh the horror! Words cannot begin to describe how much you should avoid English dubbed anime/manga. The English voice acting talents they had cast was just atrocious. It was some unfathomably poor voice acting talents for the project. Most of the time I was just cringing because of the one they had cast to do the English language for the Bayonetta character.

The animated was quite good and nice to look at. There was a lot of details to the scenes and lots of flashy colors. And it did help out a lot that there was almost a constant ongoing flow of action throughout the movie.

However, given the English dub and a somewhat lack of a deeper storyline, ultimately lead to this being a less than mediocre movie experience for me. And truth be told, I ended up turning it off with about 20 minutes or so left before the end. I just couldn't stand anymore of that awful dialogue and even worse delivery by whomever they had to voice the English version of Bayonetta.

Storywise, well I must say that it was sort of a flaccid experience. It was predictable and not really all that enthralling. Sure, the screen was a constant blur of action and colors, but the movie was just halting behind so badly in terms of not having a proper storyline.

I can't claim to be compelled to return to "Bayonetta: Bloody Fate" in order to finish the last 20 minutes. I simply was fed up with the questionable dialogue and delivery of aforementioned dialogue.

I suppose this 2013 animated movie will sit well with fans of the game. But for someone who is not familiar with the game, it was just not all that impressive.
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