A very good character drama
10 November 2016
Scent of a Woman is one of those films with a not so terribly exciting plot, but once you get past that, is actually very good. The story is rather downbeat - with the main character wanting to do several things before ending his life – but the film is helped strongly by the performances of the cast.

Al Pacino is simply excellent as Frank Slade and you can see why he won the Oscar; he is quite aggressive when we first see him, but we soon realise there is more to him than what we first think. Chris O'Donnell is very good as Charlie, and the rapport between both characters is entirely believable. This is what's needed for the film to succeed, and it does. The supporting cast are all on fine form, and there isn't one character you dislike.

The highlight is, without a doubt, the tango scene, however, there are other noteworthy scenes, including the highly amusing part where Slade drives the Ferrari, the school prank on the headmaster and the dramatic showdown in the hotel where Slade very nearly kills himself.

The only part that lets it down is the last half hour in the school. It drags on for too long and doesn't fit in with the story. It's a shame, because all that happened before was excellent. Despite this preventing me giving out full marks, I quite like Scent of a Woman.
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