Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015 Video Game)
Revelations of Dread
10 November 2016
I'm a fan of the Resident Evil franchise it's one of my favorite games of all time, though unfortunately like with most video game franchises as time goes on the pace slows down as fast as a zombie walk. The first Revelations game I felt really made the franchise pick up the pace again but I did like the first revelations game but truth be told didn't totally love it because the story wasn't that memorable, but that's just how I feel.

The second outing I personally like a lot more because of the story as well as the new kind of format they utilize. I really like the fact that they went for the episodic/cliffhanger approach which of course is utilized for the Teletale games; I think this format fits the game perfectly which made it all the more suspenseful because after beating one episode I couldn't wait to play the next one because I wanted to know what else will happen, what going on, and what more there is to uncover. But also in the utilization of the split story format which as usual in the franchise is great because it kind makes the story a bit of a puzzle as were seeing thing in different perspectives and finding out how both connect.

The story I think is great as it's pretty much focused on both Berry and Clare whom we haven't seen in a while. That's one of the things I love about this franchise whenever they bring characters were familiar with their even more interesting because you can see both physically and personally how much they've changed and how much the war against Umbrella and the Undead have affected them. I even like how the story adds one or two things new to the mythos of the franchise.

The graphics are very good, from the character animation from the protagonists to the monsters that are delightfully nasty as usual. But I really like the use of darkness and the grittiness and wear of the enviorment making it feel like a world that is against you completely unfriendly and just falling apart.

Gameplay is great it's the familiar format like with RE4 and the first Revelations and I personally wouldn't want it any other way. There is plenty of action but it's not in overabundance it hits at all the right times, and I like that you actually have a bit of strategy because in some battles you can't always fight you way out because of not just the odds but how fast certain situations can drain your ammo. So you kinda have to weigh in on fight or flight, it's up to you depending on what the situation dictates so choose carefully your life depends on it.

But of course what really powers the game is in the suspense and scares and this game thankfully has plenty of them which was I'll admit seemed to be sorely missing in the franchise. There were some situation and moment that literally made me tense, like in one sequence when a horde of zombies and monsters is coming out for an ambush, I thought oh crap I better put the petal to the metal to do what I have to do to get the hell out of there. Or even just simply venturing into those dark buildings was intense as your not sure what the hell to expect whether there could be a booby trap or even a zombie in the next turn or room. And of course that music in the game is great, I really like it whenever there is this really tense/scary toon that starts up which acts as an alarm that danger is coming and it's time to get ready for battle or retreat.

Hopefully they'll be a third and possibly final game for this, the ending did give a little hint of the possibility after all. But if that happens they'll have to change the game play up again may'be utilize the same one from the upcoming seventh volume in the franchise. But if a third game doesn't happen then I'm fine with that also, sometimes it's best to quit while your ahead.

The Revleations for this sequel are good.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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