The perfect Christmas movie
9 December 2016
It's not hard to rip this movie apart because of its technical flaws and the fact that it's shown on IMDb as the twenty forth best movie ever made, when it isn't a perfect film. But this experience will have a huge impact on your character and how you perceive life again. That is something magic. This Christmas find this movie, It's a Wonderful Life is not to be ignored.

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Now I love this movie, a lot. In fact it's my dad's favourite movie. I'll get into why I like it after I quickly get rid of the stuff I don't like. I don't usually review like this very often, but I feel that I need to get the obvious things out the way.

I recently watched To kill a Mockingbird and it was alright I gave it a B+. Now, To kill a Mockingbird is one of the greatest achievements depicted on television, but I didn't have the connection like I thought I would have had with it. Even though its one of the best selling novels ever and a highly successful film, I believe that the impact to the viewer because of the issues they were tackling. It had a huge impact to the people at the time of its release, but then slightly loses its magic. It's a Wonderful Life doesn't suffer to its relay level like To kill a Mockingbird, though some things are outdated. To be honest I've never seen editing this bad before, there are immediate cuts when characters haven't fully completed their sentence and makes the scene all disconjointed. The cinematography is nothing too special either, doing just a decent job. And some scenes near the end could have been shortened. But for the most part, this is a really, really great movie and I loved it because its my favourite type of movie, it is simple, yet effective. This movie sustained my attention from start to finish due to its simple and riveting storytelling. The sets aren't big, the story is quite small and the film is in black and white.

To put it simply, the film is about a once hopeful teen who becomes a compassionate and very likable yet frustrated businessman, George Bailey. There's more to the story to that but it will spoil if I explain the best part.

I found it very cool that the director, Frank Capra made business interesting, because after about thirty minutes, for almost the rest of the movie, it's all about business. Which was actually very engaging.

And the reason this film is better than lots of Hollywood's big blockbuster cash grabs out now, is that the dialog between the characters that solely moulds around the story the film has given and doesn't say anything off topic. This here is the main reason it kept my eyes glued to the screen.

Some scenes that don't lack from bad editing, are simply masterful. And to make a terrific scene you need terrific acting which is certainly shown here. The acting is superb from everyone, but James Stewart and how he showed this man who tries to do everything to his best ability but is always being let down by something, the way Stewart constructed this man, is on a whole 'nother level.

Frank Capra creates an quite the unforgettable experience. It does have some very noticeable technical flaws, but I can't really degrade the movie much on that alone given the time it was made. I recently watched Zootopia for the sixth time and I stills believe its an A+ movie, though I did enjoy this more. Zootopia I assessed on how everything worked. The story, characters, tone, messages, acting, editing, sound design, and every box was checked. I can't say the same about Its a Wonderful Life but if you see me on the street this Christmas, and ask me what movie you should watch, you bet I'll say "Wonderful Life".


6.12.16, 9.12.16

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