Silsila (1981)
Sickening, cloying, soap opera produced as if it were a major film
9 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Arguably emminent director Yash Chopra's worst self-indulgence ever. The only halfway interesting thing about this suffocating over rich piece of Indian junk food is the costumery and Amitabh's super stylish wardrobe -- notable are some of the flashy, dazzling, primary colored saris worn by Rekha in nearly every scene in which she appears -- (just stills of these would be a more rewarding than sitting through the whole film) -- Amitabh's carefully tonsured headdress --er -- hairdo.... and his white suits with flaired trousers, a homage to -- in fact a throwback to --mod American and English male fashions of the sixties (already out of date by 1981) -- The song picturizations on Amitabh and Rekha are not just bad --they are Sickening -- traipsing through fields full of Dutch tulips -- argh --embarassing -- Mister "Big B" is just not cut out for Romantic roles of this kind -- (a wide range as an actor he does have, but Romance is the one thing he does like a robot going through the motions) -- the whole thing looks like a prequel to Shahrukh Khan 15 years later! -- However ... the near-miss lip-sync kisses, and one kiss actually planted on Rekha's lips in long shot, are daring for the time --very daring, one might say ... But Amitjjii, flailing about on top of her and slobbering all over Rekhaji --just doesn't work for me --especially not on the heels of just having viewed SHOLAY -- Purely ridiculous, embarrassing -- Maybe if he slapped her around a little ...or maybe if there was a little more comic relief by Aswaniji ... The theme of the jaunty heroic jet pilot killed in action (previously the likes of Rajesh Khanna and Raj Kapoor -- in this case Shashi Kapoor.) has been worked so to death that it practically constitutes a sub-genre of Indan films on its own ... but there were some nice jet fighter landings and takeoff scenes -- somebody ought to make a compilation of just such dashing Indian fly-boy scenes!

While eagerly looking forward to SILSILA because of the star cast, the star director, and all that has been written about the alleged kinky real-life triangle amongst Amitabh and Rekhaa/Jaya -- I started getting under-awed from the very first song/dance tulipy picturization opening the film and soon found myself saying --"What IS this? --This is absolutely NAUSEATING ... not to mention ridiculous -- one soap opera set piece after another following upon one comic strip coincidence after another.. (and just then ... while Rheka is at the wheel driving they happen to hit a kid crossing the street, and the cop at the station turns out to be Jaya's brother-in-law...Kulbhushan Kharbanda! -- c'mon, give us a break...) -- but I did dutifully watch it all the way to the family-values-must-prevail required ending, out of sheer determination ... with gritted teeth. The only halfway decent performance in the ENTIRE flick was Sanjeev Kumar as the look- the-other-way devoted surgeon husband of Mme. Rekha -- This flick while gorgeously mounted (as are all Yash-chop films) has just about every tired cliché in the book and caters SLAVISHLY to every salacious preconception the Indian public had about the stars at the time -- UGH-ugh, and Ugh! Three thumbs down. Only to be included in a "Worst of Bollywood" (and Worst of Bachchan) retrospective -- Incidentally -- this was made the same year (1981) as Rheka's sublime UMRAO JAAN -- and that's one to put in one's pipe and smoke it!
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