Underrated holiday treat
16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Every year I watch the same classics as most others do around this time of the year; A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Frosty, just to name a few. But among them, is this little gem.

Taking place in Philadelphia, Fat Albert and friends help a out of luck family when their car breaks down and offers them shelter when the mother is expecting another child. A greedy business owner, wants their clubhouse torn down. However, with the help of Fat Albert and an old friend, Mudfoot, he has a change of heart and allows the clubhouse to remain.

Although similar in some ways to a Christmas Carol, I am most reminded of the Andy Griffith special in which another old miser gets his nose out of joint with regards to another poor family. This is a charming family friendly feature that is only half an hour; not too much out of our time!
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