Review of Cleopatra

Cleopatra (1912)
Wow. Bad
23 December 2016
The Plot. When she discovers that a slave named Pharon professes his love for her, Cleopatra makes a bargain with him: she will give him ten days of "love," at the end of which he is to commit suicide. He agrees, although the queen's handmaiden Iras, in love with the slave, isn't happy with the arrangement. Later when Cleopatra is seducing Marc Antony, her relationship with Pharon is used against her, but with little effect. She allies herself with Antony against Octavius, participates in a brief war, then meets her end rather than be subjected to Roman rule.

Wow. This movie is BAD. It is amateurishly filmed -- even for 1913. Also the focus is really odd. I don't think it was just the print. i think it was intentional. The entire mo0vie looks like it was filmed at the Château marmont, only it wasn't built yet.

I had never heard of Helen Gardner before seeing this film. How she got her own production company is beyond me.
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