The Andy Griffith Show: The Manicurist (1962)
Season 2, Episode 16
The Attractive Outsider
5 January 2017
In this memorable entry of TAGS, attractive young Ellen Brown (the beauteous Barbara Eden) arrives in Mayberry intending to set up as a manicurist in Floyd's Barber Shop. The menfolk of Mayberry don't quite know how to react to Miss Brown, being both bashful and fascinated at the same time; as for the womenfolk, they become highly suspicious and jealous. The usually sensible Andy ends up putting his foot in his mouth in front of Miss Brown and must then correct his faux pas, winning back her confidence.

We have some funny and perceptive observation of human (paricularly male) behavior in this episode, leading to some subtly risqué material as the men absentmindedly ogle Miss Brown in the barber shop. Andy, with his gallantry, exemplifies the real way to act toward a woman. A solid human story arc, as well as an affecting performance from Eden as a good-natured outsider who is simply looking for a "friendly town" in which to set up shop. Don't miss this one.
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