Burn After Watching
17 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I found this on YouTube for free, I've been fighting hard for a refund.

One of the real YouTube channels I watch called this the worst movie ever made. I stopped his video 1-2 minutes in for me to see it for myself before he had a chance to spoil anything. I just adore bad movies, such as Birdemic, The Room and Troll 2. A lot of times an incredibly bad movie can be just as entertaining as a 5 star classic.

But, I respectfully disagree. To call this "the worst movie ever made" would to acknowledge this as a "MOVIE." This is NOT a movie. That would be an insult to cinema.

This is an experiment gone bad. It's a waste of time for the crew, cast and definitely, the audience. And it's literally broken down to one- third random shots, one-third 1998 bad screensaver cuts and the final third is a wreckage of a plot involving electronic mind melds, a haphazard killer and medical students you pray to God will never operate on you in real life.

If this was a student film, that student shouldn't just be expelled, but arrested. If this was someone's idea of making it big, they need an intervention. And if this was a joke, no one would ever get it.

I've seen some fake reviews and likes on this site, but some of the reviews already listed here and the number of high ratings aren't just hilariously suspicious, anyone who is caught promoting this trash, should be banned from this site…along with any other movie site on the net. Further, and I've had this happen to me before, fake accounts, or the makers of this atrocity, will go in and dislike my review. For that review, the almost as equally bad The Legend of the Titanic, I received 4 LIKES and 35 DISLIKES. Basically, that boils down to 4 sane people and the rest idiots who worked on that project. I suspect the same will happen here.

Nothing makes sense, the editing is awful, the sets are outrageously stupid, the acting sad, the direction obsolete, the dialogue, sound, special effects, music and continuity are laughably pathetic and the story is non-existent. Once again, this isn't a movie, so I can't count this as the worst I've ever seen. It's not even fun to watch like Birdemic or The Room. At least those people tried to make a film.

I wasted my time. Please, PLEASE don't waste yours. It's not even so- bad, it's good. It's just an absolute disarray of terrible concepts.


Final thoughts: While I laughed here and there about how bad things got, the funniest thing about this was a thought I had: You could leave this playing while you took a break in another room and come back comprehending the same as if you never left. I unintentionally did just that. I left for about six minutes and when I came back, I saw it was still running. I was right: it was just as incomprehensible as when I left the room. Plus, bonus, I was six minutes closer to the end without enduring any more '98 screensavers.
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