Decent Version of the Story of Herod
22 January 2017
The biblical story of the Herod, King of Judea. Herod is captured by the Pagan Romans and held prisoner. Herod's lieutenant, Aaron, believes that he is dead. Aaron had orders from Herod to kill the Queen when he dies, but Aaron could not do it and brought her into the desert to hid her. Herod pleas to Augustus enough that Herod was able to go back to his palace. When Herod arrives, he is told by his son, Antipater, that Aaron has betrayed him and the Queen is still alive. Now Herod must find his wife and face her pursuers.

It's an alright film. One of the better movies in the Warriors 50-pack by Mill Creek. Herod was a person that really lived and there is plenty of proof of that. So in it's way, the film is a History and Biographical film as well as being a Bible Story.

I will say it again, I do not rate these types of films based on how accurate to history they are or how true they are or not. I base my ratings on how well entertained I was by the film.

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