The Walking Dead: Strangers (2014)
Season 5, Episode 2
30 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This has probably been my least favorite episode to date. I love the suspense and surprise that The Walking Dead provides, but I think the cannibalism aspect was adequately covered when Terminus was destroyed.

The last scene is really what brought the episode down a few notches for me. It seemed like gore for the sake of gore. It was less like The Walking Dead and more like Saw. I guess I don't look at The Walking Dead as a horror show. It's definitely a scary show, but it's also a fascinating look at how civilization and acceptable social behavior would change in an apocalyptic world.

I'm sure there would be cannibals. Probably more than I'd like to imagine. But I hope the season does not continue down this road much longer. I am really not watching The Walking Dead for an experience like Nightmare on Elm Street. The show is way better than that, and I hope the writers don't start looking at the show with the thought of, "What more disturbing and disgusting actions can we portray just to horrify the audience?"

Again, the last scene was disappointing. It felt like a cheap scare / gross-out. Plus Gareth is not a very engaging villain. The Governor was a wonderfully disturbing villain because you could see how he slid down that slippery slope to evil. You didn't really feel sorry for him or think that his actions were justified, but they fleshed out his character and we were able to get a view of the man as a whole. Gareth just seems very two- dimensional. Maybe they will make him more interesting as the series progresses, but right now I'm not seeing how that's even possible. He doesn't show remorse or even a motivational vengeance. He's just kind of casually cruel. Even the kid in the baseball hat is more intriguing than Gareth. If there was such a thing as a boring cannibal, Gareth fits the bill.
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