Horror, horror, horror...
1 February 2017
Heavily edited material + outright lies with one purpose, and one purpose only - to create misleading ideological propaganda. Subject of this video, which they call "documentary", is irrelevant when you realize who made it. People behind it are dangerous extremists, one fortunately departed ever since, but some others are in White House as of January 2017 ! It's a nightmarish scenario, one which unfolded in front of our eyes, and which now puts life on Earth in extreme peril. Good luck to us all, we'll gonna need it, as we are entering new medieval Dark Ages: for its proponents, in mold of Trumper's, LePener's, Wilderser's, and Bannoner's, this is an ideal world. It's a world of religious prosecution, neo-fascism, corporate hegemony, "alternative facts" and Newspeak.
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