Review of The Duke

Bonanza: The Duke (1961)
Season 2, Episode 25
An interesting tale that was enjoyable to watch.
6 February 2017
This episode begins as we see a hired-hand from the Cartwright spread named JD Lambert which has fallen for a saloon type woman named Marge. JD is really shy and Marge has been trying to prod him into a loving relationship. The shy and naive JD is trying his best to win her heart but it seems he does not get all the hints that Marge is throwing.

The next characters that enter the story are a professional fighter called 'The Duke of London' and his wild dressed barker, Harry Simpson. The Duke, who is rather annoying to everyone he meets, has had Harry place a sign that says they will give $500 dollars to anyone that can defeat the Duke. The Duke also runs into Marge and makes eyes for the young woman. Yet, Marge wants nothing to do with him as she prefers JD.

That evening when JD is taking Marge back to her room, they run into The Duke. A fight breaks out and JD is severely injured by the fighter. Now it will be up to Ben, Hoss and Joe to stop the prize fighter and also get JD and Marge to realise they were made for each other.

There are a couple of background stories that will put a twist on the plot which made for an interesting story. But the real entertaining part of the show is when Hoss and Joe interact with each other during the episode. These humorous exchanges will be a product of the show for years to come. This may have not been the best episode of the lot but was one that was entertaining from beginning to end.
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