Review of Replica

Replica (2005)
Replica...... another awesomely terrible James Nguyen movie.
11 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Mortal Beings, prepare yourselves for an experience which will change your lives FOREVER! From the ever-burning fires of James Nguyen's collective subconscious (the creative mastermind of Birdemic), brings us another immortal masterpiece! A divine work of unparalleled genius and singular inspiration, comes the movie event of the century! James Nguyen brings us REPLICA!!!!!

Yes, that was sarcasm, now on to the review.

All right, now that I've seen all of his movies I can confidently say that James Nguyen is -easily- the worst movie director currently going, which in turn, makes him one of the worst of all-time. Here Mr. Nguyen tries his hand in making a film that's part romance and part science-fiction, which ever so clumsily, he pulls it off. Replica is a laughably pathetic, sub-amateur film, which is absolutely dire in all possible aspects, which if you're familiar with his work, is quit the norm for a James Nguyen film. Replica contains all of the hallmarks one could AND should expect to see from one of his movies, which means Replica is a film that's filled with: Hideously awkward acting, vapid and utterly sterile dialog (which often focuses on software sales figures), lots of mundane scenes involving cars slowly maneuvering, lots of location filming of familiar San Fran landmarks, insanely inconsistent sound (i.e. distorted sound, crude over-dubbing, excessive amounts of noise, jarring sound mixing and best of all, on several occasions the sound drops-out completely). To make things even worse, James Nguyen continues to include his ham-handed homages to Hitchcock, which are clearly meant to "honor" The Master of Suspense. But because these movies are so damn terrible, it comes off as more of an insult, rather than flattery. In the case of this film James "Master-of-the-Arts" Nguyen mustered up all of his incompetence, by trying to emulate one of Hitchcock's most popular classics..... with predictably pitiful and painful results.

Like all James Nguyen movies, Replica was shot on a small budget and to no doubt save money, he opted to use virtual sets (i.e. Computer-Generated Graphics, bad ones), which not surprisingly, are cheaply done and look utterly fake. For instance somewhere in the middle of this movie you'll be treated to the interior of an office building, only it's done virtually, which means and I cringe when I type this, you'll be looking at a series of computer-generated cubicles, which was "composed" by amateurs - using cheap graphics software... Mr. Nguyen dial-back the visual splendor! I couldn't even begin to think of a blander and more sterile setting, but maybe in a future release he'll top even that. And while speaking on the matter of cheap virtual set's, ready yourselves because he saved the best for last! Which brings us to the finale, in which you all are in for a special treat. Prepare yourselves for a truly mesmerizing experience, one that's as overwhelmingly magnificent as it is eminent. Behold! And brace yourself for "The Clone-A-Tron"! The final word in science-fiction (and you thought that was Star Wars, didn't you).

Pardon me while I wipe the sweat from my brow..... In closing, I reiterate my stance that, now-a-day's, NO ONE'S better at making bad movies, than James Nguyen.
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