The premier Star Wars action experience
21 February 2017
Even now, in 2017, this game holds up as a fantastic action experience. 'The Force Unleashed' may have been more visually ambitious and 'Battlefront II' may have been a more grandiose idea, but I've rarely found a more exhilarating game experience than the deadly lightsaber duels of 'Jedi Outcast'. In this game, you play as Kyle Katarn. You'll be familiar with him if you've already played earlier 'Jedi Knight' games, but your gaming experience won't be diminished if you haven't. The early scenes of 'Jedi Outcast' show Kyle and his partner Jan attacked by a formidable Dark Jedi called Desann. Desann is one of the most well-designed villains in 'Star Wars' game history, and is certainly one of the most menacing, rivalled only in my opinion by Darth Malgus (SWTOR) and the various Dark Lords of the 'KOTOR' games. Kyle soon realises that he must reawaken his Jedi powers and, as Anakin Skywalker once said, this is where the fun begins. Over the course of 'Jedi Outcast' you'll battle hordes of Imperial Stormtroopers and Dark Jedi whilst closing the distance between you and your ultimate enemy. The levels are very enjoyable, and I don't recall a dull moment in the game. Overall, an excellent title.
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