Very impressive!
23 February 2017
This is a Faith Based Indy film made in Fresno, CA, using mostly local actors from DeVore Studios. I saw the screening of this film at People's Church a few weeks ago. As a native Fresnan, I recognized most of the locations. Brett Prieto's performance as "Tommy" is outstanding in my opinion, although Brett looks more like a male model than a MMA fighter. The fight scenes seemed very realistic, in fact, a friend who accompanied me to the screening is a Nurse Practitioner, and was grossed-out by the scene where "Crazy Dan" is badly beaten-up in the ring. She kept saying "This is horrible! This is just horrible!". I had to keep reassuring her that I know the actor that played Crazy Dan, and he is just fine. Kudos to Alan Autry for all his hard work on this film, and I hope to see more films from him in the near future.
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